Eligible structures
Musées de France, Interpretation centers, Ecomusées, Similar structures of proven cultural interest (Society museum, Castle, Ampelographic center, etc.).
Each structure must be linked to a predominant theme:
Archaeology, Biodiversity, Trades and Traditions, Vineyards, Wine and Civilizations.
A structure whose economic activity is predominant (e.g. a wine producer) must be able to demonstrate that its production is based on vines and wine, and that its oenocultural offer is effective, permanent and part of the site’s identity.
The structures must propose a cultural offer valorizing the tangible and intangible wine heritage as main theme of their activity or component of their main theme registered in a Scientific Cultural Project (updated PSC, exhibition and access to the specific collections…).
A structure whose economic activity is predominant (e.g. a wine producer) must be able to demonstrate that its production is based on vines and wine, and that its oenocultural offer is effective, permanent and part of the site’s identity.
The structures must propose a cultural offer valorizing the tangible and intangible wine heritage as main theme of their activity or component of their main theme registered in a Scientific Cultural Project (updated PSC, exhibition and access to the specific collections…).